11月20日:Tracking Redexes in the lambda-calculus (revisited)
发布时间:2024-11-11 浏览量:10

报告:Tracking Redexes in the lambda-calculus (revisited)




Jean-Jacques Lévy is a senior researcher emeritus at Inria Paris. He graduated from Ecole Polytechnique [1968] and got a PHD at University of Paris 7 [1978]. He was a member of the research staff at Digital Equipment Corporation [1987-1989] and Professor of Computer Science at the Ecole Polytechnique in Palaiseau [1992-2006]. He also served as Director of the new Microsoft Research-Inria Joint Centre in Saclay [2006 - 2012], and visiting professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Insitute of Sofware, Beijing) [2013-2014]. His interests are in the theory of Programming Languages and Mathematical logic, and more recently in the syntax of the lambda-calculus and formal proofs of programs. [see http://jeanjacqueslevy.net ]


Jean-Jacques Lévy is a senior researcher emeritus at Inria Paris. He graduated from Ecole Polytechnique [1968] and got a PHD at University of Paris 7 [1978]. He was a member of the research staff at Digital Equipment Corporation [1987-1989] and Professor of Computer Science at the Ecole Polytechnique in Palaiseau [1992-2006]. He also served as Director of the new Microsoft Research-Inria Joint Centre in Saclay [2006 - 2012], and visiting professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Insitute of Sofware, Beijing) [2013-2014]. His interests are in the theory of Programming Languages and Mathematical logic, and more recently in the syntax of the lambda-calculus and formal proofs of programs. [see http://jeanjacqueslevy.net ]


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